Monday 1 October 2018

That Time I Almost Gave up on my Dream and Why I learned to Never do that Again

Wow, I haven't posted in like two weeks...

Darn being sick. 

Anyways. Let's get back into it.

I remember the time I almost gave up on my dream.

I was in Las Vegas at the time. I was working a full time job with very little progress being made on Under A Crimson Sky. I was frustrated and unsure of where to go. I had no clear direction.

In short, it was a mess.

Have you ever been there? 

How did I get through it? Well I'm not really 100% sure. For some reason Under A Crimson Sky just wouldn't let me put it down.

I don't even remember what I was having difficulty with. I think in part it was motivation and something in the story wasn't clicking.

I tried for so long before I just figured it would never come to me. I had lost it.

 I didn't even touch the word doc that had my book in it for the longest time. 

I wanted nothing to do with it.

For a while I didn't even think of it.

About a month later after I had completely given up and just decided to be a doctor I had something strange happen to me.

I felt guilty.

I felt bad for Dag and Kor-Voda and Oremothe and Gottrak that their story might never be told. It was as if history would just forget about them and they would become like chaff on the wind.

They and I had went through so much. They had been there when I was alone and when I needed help. They suffered with me. they shared in my pain.

The worst part was after I felt all that I felt even worse for throwing them to the side. I remember the first place this happened to me. It was in my car driving home from work as I drove over the bridge that crossed the freeway.

Then I got sad.

How was I to let this happen? I couldn't I wouldn't! I had to get to work at once. 

I had to be there to tell their story.

After all nobody else would. I was the only one who knew it.

It wasn't easy, it never is. But I enjoyed every minute of writing after that. I simply couldn't put down my work.

I wrote and edited a chapter a day. Compared to before when I was lucky to write a chapter a week it was like night and day.

You can find the finished product HERE.

That was when I knew I had to make a choice. I knew I couldn't be both a doctor and a author. I have to either be all other nothing in my work. There was just no other way around it.

It took a long time to officially decide, but at last I finally did.

I had to be a writer. My mind is always just full of stories and thoughts and little bits to add.
The only way to silence them is to write.

I went  through a lot of rejection on my book before I was certain I wanted to be an author full time. I got so many rejection letters for my book. I was crushed, but after my little epiphany on while driving home I found myself with faith and patience that the way would become clear to me eventually.

What helped me most through all the rejection was the patience that I learned and the fact that I was just doing what I loved. Sure, I didn't make money doing, it, but hey, I WAS doing it.

 I talk more about that HERE, but in short I learned it while writing my first book and I am grateful for it. I don't think I ever would have finished if I didn't know that if I continued on I would one day be finished and be published.

I'm glad I stuck with it.

I'm glad that I got to tell Dag and the others story.

I know that if I hadn't I would have regretted it for the rest of my life.

What are some of your success stories? What hard times did you go through?

Let me know down below.

Don't do what I did. Don't turn your back on what you love.

Keep at it and have patience and one day you will reach your goals.

Hey everyone as a side note I've started live streaming video games. I'm using it as a chance to play the games I love and do it for people. Come check it out if you want to hang out and chat! We can talk books, video games and whatever you like! You can find a link below. You can also find all of my past streams on Youtube. Link also down below.

Brett Currah is author of Under a Crimson Sky.
It is here on his old blog that he brings to life
his story of writing his first fantasy novel.

Pick up a copy of Under A Crimson Sky Today!

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